From Farm to Global Market: Miyonga Greens and their digitalization journey with eProd, powered by Rabo Foundation

Kenyan farmers are increasingly gaining access to global markets through various initiatives. However, they often face significant barriers, such as meeting the quality and safety standards required for export. While there is strong international demand for Kenyan agricultural products like fruits, vegetables, and coffee, many farmers struggle due to limited knowledge of these standards and …

eProd Solutions introduces the RiceAdvice app 

The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), one of our partners is a pan-African Center of rice research and development. AfricaRice is leading the way in rice research and development, increasing productivity and profitability of rice-based agribusinesses in Africa.  The Africa Rice Centre developed a smart application, RiceAdvice that provides detailed rice production advice. This advice is …


Empowering Smallholder Farmers through Agroforestry.

As temperatures are rising, carbon markets are heating up as well. The idea behind carbon credits is simple: where CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions are reduced or removed in one place; carbon credits can be traded to compensate emissions elsewhere. Carbon markets may either follow a nationally set carbon emissions cap for total emissions or function …

eProd selected to be part of the One Million Farmer Platform

eProd Solutions nominated to be a member of the One Million Farmer Platform

eProd Solutions was nominated to be a member of the World Bank’s One Million Farmer Platform in the Africa-Korea AgTech Innovation Challenge. The One Million Farmer Platform is a digital platform that aims to connect small-scale farmers in Africa with markets, information, and financial services to help them increase their productivity and incomes by 2025. …

eProd Now Introduces Compliance For Product Certification

Kenya Market-led Horticulture Project, or HortImpact, is a Netherlands government funded program led by SNV and its partners Delphy, Hivos and Solidaridad that contributed to increased food security, increased incomes, and a dynamic and sustainable horticulture sector in Kenya.