Our CEO, Jan Willem van Casteren has joined the 6th edition of Strike Two Summit and this year’s themes include consumer trust, farm income, and supply chain management. Jan Willem will be one of this year’s 6 track owners committed to solving our food system’s challenges.
Jan Willem’s challenge focuses on how to make smallholder farmers bankable via the eProd system. By becoming a track owner, eProd gains the potential to position itself as a frontrunner in the technology-powered future of food. Please join us if you are interested in scaling and interoperability of ICT systems, smallholder agriculture, supply chain management, access to finance, credit scoring, risk mitigation, capacity building, compliance, etc.
As a participant of StrikeTwo, you can join our track and contribute to the development of scalable ICT solutions to make small-scale farmers in developing countries bankable. It’s a free event but the attendees are carefully selected as spots are limited and for serious participants only. During the events, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how technology can positively impact the food system and you’re able to meet and connect with like-minded people. Not only do you join the tracks and collaborate on an innovation roadmap, you contribute to its execution as eProd will use the outcomes for developing its scaling strategy. Strike Two’s strategic and technical advisory committee members support both the track owners and participants.
The three-day summit will take place on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of November 2022 from 17:00 pm– 20:00 pm EAT, followed by a shark tank pitch on the 7th of December 2022. We invite you to participate.
More information on the StrikeTwo Summit may be found at: www.striketwosummit.com/join