Product branding through traceability: the case of saffron in Afghanistan 

As the vibrant crocuses bloom under the sun, saffron pickers harvest the brightly colored flowers, marking the start of the new saffron harvest season in Afghanistan. Saffron isn’t just a vibrant addition to cuisines worldwide; it’s a spice valued for both its flavor and medicinal properties. It is also one of limited number of high …

Digital Transformation – Catalyzing a More Nutritious Food System – ICT For Ag 2023

About a year ago, the Harvest Plus team under the IFPRI programme reached out to eProd Solutions with the request to use eProd for the introduction of biofortified seed varieties in Zimbabwe. As much as the seed varieties they promote are appreciated by both farmers and millers, there was an initial resistance on the ground. …

eProd Solutions collaborates with SNV CRAFT to promote sustainable agriculture

East Africa faces significant challenges due to climate change. Rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and more frequent extreme weather events are affecting agriculture, natural resources, and food security. In response to these challenges, the SNV CRAFT project is making a positive impact by bringing together various stakeholders and service providers. eProd Solutions is a partner in …

FreshCrop has chosen eProd to drive Irish potato seed production and distribution 

Potatoes are the second most consumed food crop in Kenya, with approximately 800,000 smallholder farms growing them on 158,000 hectares of land. However, certified potato seed production in Kenya accounts for less than 2% of the demand. This lack of access to quality seed and planting materials contributes to high disease rates in crops, lower …

eProd Solutions introduces the RiceAdvice app 

The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), one of our partners is a pan-African Center of rice research and development. AfricaRice is leading the way in rice research and development, increasing productivity and profitability of rice-based agribusinesses in Africa.  The Africa Rice Centre developed a smart application, RiceAdvice that provides detailed rice production advice. This advice is …